Monday, February 19, 2018

APS Elastomers Manages TPU Shortage in North America

With the recent announcements of force majeure by major thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) suppliers over the past 12 months, APS Elastomers has positioned itself to provide its Zythane® TPU material to the North American market and help small and medium manufacturers to get through these difficult periods by significantly increasing its inventory and managing its supply chain.    “Our ability to source materials globally insures availability, and by selecting our supplying partners based on geography and technical know-how, we provide quality elastomers at the most competitive pricing”, says Stephane Morin, co-owner of APS Elastomers.
Under its strict manufacturing specifications, APS Elastomers secures TPUs from multiple sources worldwide; enabling APS to get the best TPUs based on each manufacturer’s expertise in chemistry and process. APS Elastomers provides engineering service, technical support, and TPE materials (TPEs, TPVs, TPUs and other soft elastomers) for consumer and industrial applications. “We continue to expand and diversify our TPE portfolio by adding new product offerings and aligning ourselves with TPE partners to better serve our customers in North America”, says Stephane Morin.   “Our number one goal is to collaborate with our customers and be part of their overall success”, adds Morin.  “In the past few weeks, APS has helped numerous manufacturers of TPU parts by supplying its Zythane® TPU as a replacement material”.
In addition to Zythane® TPUs, company offerings include Maxelast® TPEs, Viprene® TPVs, TPE alloys, compounding series, and custom and standard soft elastomer formulations.  APS Elastomers is committed to continuous innovation in all areas of the elastomer business by providing high levels of service and support. “Our mission is to insure the right polymer is used, develop new applications and better processing techniques, and help OEMs and processors market their end products successfully and efficiently”, proclaims co-owner, Roger Huarng.
For more information on how APS Elastomers can find cost-effective solutions, develop proprietary formulations, and enhance products faster and more efficiently, contact